Prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of berberine on chronic toxoplasmosis in diabetic or hypertensive mice
Abd El Wahab, W., Ismail, M., Zalat, R., Gh ieth, M., Abdel Gawa d, S., Ahme d, M., M ousa, A., Faro uk, R., Mona I Ali, M. (2024). Prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of berberine on chronic toxoplasmosis in diabetic or hypertensive mice. EKB Journal Management System, 17(2), 126-134. doi: 10.21608/puj.2024.304987.1257
Wegdan Abd El Wahab; Mousa Ismail; R abab Zalat; Marwa Gh ieth; Samah Abdel Gawa d; Marwa Ahme d; Amr M ousa; Raghda Faro uk; Mona Mona I Ali. "Prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of berberine on chronic toxoplasmosis in diabetic or hypertensive mice". EKB Journal Management System, 17, 2, 2024, 126-134. doi: 10.21608/puj.2024.304987.1257
Abd El Wahab, W., Ismail, M., Zalat, R., Gh ieth, M., Abdel Gawa d, S., Ahme d, M., M ousa, A., Faro uk, R., Mona I Ali, M. (2024). 'Prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of berberine on chronic toxoplasmosis in diabetic or hypertensive mice', EKB Journal Management System, 17(2), pp. 126-134. doi: 10.21608/puj.2024.304987.1257
Abd El Wahab, W., Ismail, M., Zalat, R., Gh ieth, M., Abdel Gawa d, S., Ahme d, M., M ousa, A., Faro uk, R., Mona I Ali, M. Prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of berberine on chronic toxoplasmosis in diabetic or hypertensive mice. EKB Journal Management System, 2024; 17(2): 126-134. doi: 10.21608/puj.2024.304987.1257