Knowledge Level of Primary Care Givers and Teachers of Students with Intellectual Disabilities' regarding Oral Hygiene
Salim, R., Soliman, S., Ali, H. (2024). Knowledge Level of Primary Care Givers and Teachers of Students with Intellectual Disabilities' regarding Oral Hygiene. EKB Journal Management System, 11(2), 191-198. doi: 10.21608/mnj.2024.250700.1363
Rehab Elhoda Talaat Salim; Sahar Soliman; Heba Gad-Allah Ali. "Knowledge Level of Primary Care Givers and Teachers of Students with Intellectual Disabilities' regarding Oral Hygiene". EKB Journal Management System, 11, 2, 2024, 191-198. doi: 10.21608/mnj.2024.250700.1363
Salim, R., Soliman, S., Ali, H. (2024). 'Knowledge Level of Primary Care Givers and Teachers of Students with Intellectual Disabilities' regarding Oral Hygiene', EKB Journal Management System, 11(2), pp. 191-198. doi: 10.21608/mnj.2024.250700.1363
Salim, R., Soliman, S., Ali, H. Knowledge Level of Primary Care Givers and Teachers of Students with Intellectual Disabilities' regarding Oral Hygiene. EKB Journal Management System, 2024; 11(2): 191-198. doi: 10.21608/mnj.2024.250700.1363