Elwan, A., Khalifa, M., Abdel-Fattah, M. (2018). A TRIAL OF APPLYING THE HYPER-SPECTRAL SENSING TECHNIQUE IN THE IDENTIFICATION OF SOME SOIL ATTRIBUTES. EKB Journal Management System, 23(3), 483-503. doi: 10.21608/jpd.2018.42059
Adel Elwan; Mohamed Khalifa; Mohamed Abdel-Fattah. "A TRIAL OF APPLYING THE HYPER-SPECTRAL SENSING TECHNIQUE IN THE IDENTIFICATION OF SOME SOIL ATTRIBUTES". EKB Journal Management System, 23, 3, 2018, 483-503. doi: 10.21608/jpd.2018.42059
Elwan, A., Khalifa, M., Abdel-Fattah, M. (2018). 'A TRIAL OF APPLYING THE HYPER-SPECTRAL SENSING TECHNIQUE IN THE IDENTIFICATION OF SOME SOIL ATTRIBUTES', EKB Journal Management System, 23(3), pp. 483-503. doi: 10.21608/jpd.2018.42059
Elwan, A., Khalifa, M., Abdel-Fattah, M. A TRIAL OF APPLYING THE HYPER-SPECTRAL SENSING TECHNIQUE IN THE IDENTIFICATION OF SOME SOIL ATTRIBUTES. EKB Journal Management System, 2018; 23(3): 483-503. doi: 10.21608/jpd.2018.42059


The authors do not endorse the strict use of FPHR elemental data for soil horizon establishment, irrespective of morphological features. However, this sensor provides pedologists with another data stream, quickly and easily acquired in situ, that can help identify areas of lithologic discontinuity    and    horizonation     within   a   given pedon, whether visually observable or not. Collectively, these proximal sensors can detect depth changes in both organic and inorganic soil constituents, many of which may align with changes in the parent material. Hence, the method may offer insight into the presence of discontinuities that may not normally have been detected in the field. Rather, FPHR sensor is suggested as a tool for detecting or enhancing field morphological horizonation.


Prediction of soil variables

 To further validate the efficiency of the FPHR sensor, twelve soil variables including fractions of clay, silt, and sand, SOC, pH, EC, soil available water, gypsum, CaCO3, Fe2O3, Al2O3, and SiO2 were correlated with soil reflectance at different bands. Summary statistics of Pearson correlation coefficients between soil variables and correlation coefficients between soil variables and reflectance spectra at each band are provided in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Significant correlations existed among soil variables. Clay was strongly correlated with A.W. (r=0.83), SOC (r=0.87), Fe2O3(r=0.72), Al2O3 (r=-0.51) (Table 2). Sand content was negatively correlated with clay (r=-0.79), SOC (r=-0.55), and EC (r=-0.39), and positively with SiO2 (r=0.88), Al2O3(r=47), silt (r=0.42), gypsum (r=0.33), and CaCO3 (r=0.29) (Table 2). The results in Table 3 revealed that the soil constituents correlated well with the reflectance at different bands based on the absorption and reflection characteristics of each soil constituent by using the correlation coefficient (r). Correlation coefficients between soil variables and reflectance spectra showed both positive and negative correlations at various wavelengths across the calculated bands from the spectrum (Table 3). Clay content correlated negatively with reflectance within the visible range while other soil fractions (silt and sand) correlated positively. The highest negatively significant correlations were found at green bands for clay content (r = -0.93) and SOC (r = -0.83), and at NIR band for A.W. (r = -0.91), Fe2O3 (r = -0.89), and Al2O3 (r = -0.89). By contrast, the highest positively significant correlations were observed for sand (r = 0.87 at green band), silt (r = 0.67 at blue band), gypsum (r= 0.78 at red band), CaCO3 (r = 67 at red band), and SiO2 (r = 0.64 at green band).




While the lowest significant correlation was obtained for pH (r = -0.51 at NIR band and EC (r = 0.34 at the green band). Bilgili et al. (2010) evaluated the visible-near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (VNIR) for prediction of diverse soil properties related to four different soil series of the Entisol soil group within a single field in northern Turkey. Bowers and Hanks (1965) similarly reported a decrease in reflectance with increasing particle size.

Reflectance measurements in the laboratory have been used to develop predictive equations for the twelve soil variables at various wavelengths as presented in Fig.5. The spectral features of clays were most prevalent in the blue and green regions (Table 3) where distinctive absorption bands can be used to provide quantitative information on clay minerals. In general, the results concluded that finer soil texture presented as being darker than coarse-textured soils, and consequently soil with sand or silt (> 0.002 mm) had higher spectral

Measured soil attributes











Soil reflectance (%)

Fig. 5. Regression between measured values and reflectance predictions at            VNIR for all soil variables.


reflectance than clay minerals (< 0.002 mm). Regression between soil measured attributes and VNIR predictions for all soil variables was presented in Fig. 5 showing the most significantly correlated band for each soil property by using regression analyses. The best predictive models were obtained for clay content (R2 = 0.93), SiO2 (R2 = 0.86), Al2O3 (R2 = 0.85), A.W. (R2 = 0.79), CaCO3 (R2 = 0.79), gypsum (R2 = 0.75), Fe2O3 (R2 = 0.71), sand (R2 = 0.69), silt (R2 = 0.54), and SOC (R2 = 0.51). The results showed that most of the spectral responses in the reflective spectrum were significantly related to iron oxide content and soil organic carbon (SOC) that was accurately predicted in the NIR region using reflectance spectroscopy due to their absorption features and the ability to absorb water and nutrients which decreased the reflectance characteristics by this sensor. The silica constituent had a similar trend of sand content (Fig. 5), where the reflectance characteristics of soil were increased due to the presence of a silica component (Bq horizon in P3) (Fig. 2). Inadequate models (R2 < 0.50) were obtained for pH and EC (Fig. 5). The poor predictions of pH and EC could be attributable to a narrow chemical range, the high skewness of these variables in data sets (Table 1), or poor correlations with primary soil variables such as CaCO3, clay content and organic matter that are more directly assessed by VNIR region. Similar poor predictability for EC and pH was found by Chang et al. (2001), Viscarra  Rossel et al. (2006), and Bilgili et al. (2010). Although this property may be inherently poorly predicted by VNIR spectroscopy, Shepherd and Walsh (2002) achieved good predictions for pH with R2 = 0.83 using soils from eastern and southern Africa.

The results showed that FPHR sensor at VNIR region could classify various soil parameters successfully, assisting with soil management and understanding soil parameter status. Some soil parameters cannot be predicted precisely by the VNIR method, but they can still be classified with reasonable agreement. This can be especially helpful for soil variables that do not have direct relationships with reflectance.


In conclusion

Traditionally, field soil horizonation has relied on qualitative and semi-quantitative data to somewhat subjectively establish horizons with unique features within a given pedon. This process is affected by a range of factors, including the surveyor’s experience and knowledge, surveyed locations, weather, field conditions, water table depth, and so on. Use of the FPHR sensor, which quickly determines elemental concentrations on-site, can provide pedologists and field soil scientists with quantitative data useful in differentiating soil horizons. In this study, eight pedons were fully described in the field and the horizons were distinguished via traditional morphological description with horizons differentiated by visual examination and hand texturing. Use of FPHR sensor is a promising tool for quantitatively differentiating soil horizons as an enhancement to traditional soil morphological horizonation, or in soils with little observable morphological variability. The method is applicable to a wide range of settings including field use directly on an exposed pedon and analysis of samples in the laboratory.

Furthermore, this study focused on the use of FPHR sensor for predicting such as clay, sand, silt, SiO2, Fe2O3, Al2O3, gypsum, CaCO3, A.W, pH, EC, and SOC were well predicted using hyperspectral VNIR spectroscopy. The results were generally in line with those of the other studies, even though they were conducted at different scales and in other geographic regions. The comparison of actual lab results and the FPHR estimations showed that in the hyperspectral VNIR region provided the better prediction results for almost all variables. Considering the high spatial variability, and the expensive and time-consuming measurements of soil properties, VNIR spectroscopy proved to be a useful method to substitute or complement traditional soil analyses and reduce the number of samples to be analyzed for precision management applications in fields. FPHR is rapid, timely, less expensive, non-destructive, straightforward and sometimes more accurate than conventional analysis.

It can also be used as auxiliary information in combination with spatial statistic methods to improve the estimation quality of the parameters and characterization of soil constituents. Further investigations are required to comprehensively evaluate the FPHR under a wider range of soils.


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