Implementation of Buried Structure to Withstand Ground Shock from Subsurface Explosion
Mohamed, L., Farag, H., Fayed, M., Tarkhan, A. (2006). Implementation of Buried Structure to Withstand Ground Shock from Subsurface Explosion. EKB Journal Management System, 6(6th International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering), 22-35. doi: 10.21608/iccae.2006.45767
Louay, S. Mohamed; Hassan, M. Farag; Mohamed, N. Fayed; Abou Zied, M. Tarkhan. "Implementation of Buried Structure to Withstand Ground Shock from Subsurface Explosion". EKB Journal Management System, 6, 6th International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering, 2006, 22-35. doi: 10.21608/iccae.2006.45767
Mohamed, L., Farag, H., Fayed, M., Tarkhan, A. (2006). 'Implementation of Buried Structure to Withstand Ground Shock from Subsurface Explosion', EKB Journal Management System, 6(6th International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering), pp. 22-35. doi: 10.21608/iccae.2006.45767
Mohamed, L., Farag, H., Fayed, M., Tarkhan, A. Implementation of Buried Structure to Withstand Ground Shock from Subsurface Explosion. EKB Journal Management System, 2006; 6(6th International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering): 22-35. doi: 10.21608/iccae.2006.45767