Effect Of changing various parameters on stress distribution in mini-screws and surrounding alveolar bone: a three dimensional finite element analysis
Sadek, A., Negm, I., Aboulazm, K. (2019). Effect Of changing various parameters on stress distribution in mini-screws and surrounding alveolar bone: a three dimensional finite element analysis. EKB Journal Management System, 55(June 2019), 7-24. doi: 10.21608/eos.2019.76617
Ayman Sadek; Ibrahim Negm; Khaled Aboulazm. "Effect Of changing various parameters on stress distribution in mini-screws and surrounding alveolar bone: a three dimensional finite element analysis". EKB Journal Management System, 55, June 2019, 2019, 7-24. doi: 10.21608/eos.2019.76617
Sadek, A., Negm, I., Aboulazm, K. (2019). 'Effect Of changing various parameters on stress distribution in mini-screws and surrounding alveolar bone: a three dimensional finite element analysis', EKB Journal Management System, 55(June 2019), pp. 7-24. doi: 10.21608/eos.2019.76617
Sadek, A., Negm, I., Aboulazm, K. Effect Of changing various parameters on stress distribution in mini-screws and surrounding alveolar bone: a three dimensional finite element analysis. EKB Journal Management System, 2019; 55(June 2019): 7-24. doi: 10.21608/eos.2019.76617