Gamal, S., Samir, O., Abdel-Azim, N. (2020). Bionics as a Concept and its Reflection on the Interior Design. EKB Journal Management System, 1(2), 206-227. doi: 10.21608/jdsaa.2020.28550.1018
Sarah Gamal; Ola Samir; Nabil Mahmoud Abdel-Azim. "Bionics as a Concept and its Reflection on the Interior Design". EKB Journal Management System, 1, 2, 2020, 206-227. doi: 10.21608/jdsaa.2020.28550.1018
Gamal, S., Samir, O., Abdel-Azim, N. (2020). 'Bionics as a Concept and its Reflection on the Interior Design', EKB Journal Management System, 1(2), pp. 206-227. doi: 10.21608/jdsaa.2020.28550.1018
Gamal, S., Samir, O., Abdel-Azim, N. Bionics as a Concept and its Reflection on the Interior Design. EKB Journal Management System, 2020; 1(2): 206-227. doi: 10.21608/jdsaa.2020.28550.1018
Bionics as a Concept and its Reflection on the Interior Design
1Interior design and furniture department- faculty of applied arts- helwan university- Egypt
2Professor of Design Theories at Applied Arts Faculty, HelwanUniversity.Egypt
31) Professor of Design Fundamentals at Applied Arts Faculty, HelwanUniversity.Egypt
ABSTRACT: This research discusses the concept of Bionics as a new field of design that includes biology and engineering science and integrates with it the various branches of industry, and it is widely spread to meet the needs of life and provide the requirements of modern life.
. PROBLEM STATMENT • The emergence of many modern trends in design has led to overlap among them in the principles and regulations governing each direction, which necessitated clarification of misunderstanding and dispersion between the term Bionics with other vital terms through discussion and definition of the term Bionix in the field of design and a comparison between it and the rest of the special terms Simulated by nature for use in solving interior design problems. 4. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES • Theorizing the science of Bionix between definition, development, application and its use, a new vision for solving design space problems • The importance of the research is due to: o Study the similarities and differences between the term Bionics and other terminology related to natural simulation o Developing a new vision and methodology that serves the interior design to make it more efficient in solving its problems
Research Hypothesis: • Clarify the similarities and differences between the term Bionics and other terminology related to natural simulation, which contributes greatly to building a new vision and methodology that serves the interior design for more efficient reflection in solving its problems. Research Methodology: • Descriptive and analytical method • The inductive survey method
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