Technical standards for designing upholstery fabrics compatible with variability of TV program studios furnishing | ||||
International Design Journal | ||||
Article 22, Volume 7, Issue 2 - Serial Number 22, April 2017, Page 241-249 PDF (1023.99 K) | ||||
Document Type: Original Article | ||||
DOI: 10.12816/0046570 | ||||
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Author | ||||
Mona Mohamed Adel Al Nahas | ||||
Director, The Egyptian TV Union | ||||
Abstract | ||||
The television is currently one of the most important mass media and on the most influence on people’s lives. It has a worldwide spread through satellite channels which can be transmitted in all continents. The television is also continuously available for every body at all times. Therefore, the viewed material conveys all meanings and details of the media content broadcast via the silver screen. Producers of television programs should then take into account details of this material whether decorations, lights or designs of the furniture used in these programs being of great impact on the audience watching them. Research objectives A thorough study of different sorts of television programs, Studying the nature of each program and its requirements, Studying the positive and/or the negative impact of furniture designs and fabrics used in television programs, Developing criteria peculiar to the nature and purpose of each program and the nature of furniture fabrics of relevance, Proposing a set of designs for the furniture fabrics appropriate for the content of different television programs. Methodology: The research is based on technical analytic methods in addition to procedural experimental designs strategy. Research findings : The research introduced a study of a number of television programs, The research showed negative and positive aspects existing in some television programs, The research offered a number of solutions for designs proposed to enrich the artistic and visual aspects broadcast via the silver screen; the television. | ||||
Keywords | ||||
Media Influence; Recipient; Climate; Furniture; Television Programs | ||||
References | ||||
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