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Volume & Issue: Volume 5, Issue 2, June 2023  XML


Impact of GA3 on The Behavior of Superior Grapevine

Page 1-7
Abdel Hameed M. Wassel; Faissal F. Ahmed; Mohamed M.A. Abada; Dina Mohammed Nagy


The Influence of Paclobutrazol on The Yield and Fruit Quality of Superior Seedless Grapevines

Page 8-16
Abdel Hameed M. Wassel; Faissal F. Ahmed; Mohamed M.A. Abada; Dina Mohammed Nagy


Influence of Compost Fertilization and Pinching Number on Growth and Flowering of Cineraria Plant

Page 17-30
Mahmoud A.H. Abdou; Amna H.A Fouad; Ahmed Hassan


Foliar Spraying with Amino Acids, and Calcium Boron, with/without GA3 on The Vegetative Growth and Productivity of The Valencia Orange Trees

Page 31-42
Ahmed Abdallah Ali; F.M. Abd El-Latif; Kh.A. Bakry; S.F. EL-Gioushy


Effect of Drought Stress on Growth and Productivity of Some Mentha Species

Page 43-51
Mahmoud Abd Elhakem; Wahed Botros; Emain Mohamed; Ahmed Ali Hassan


Physiological Studies on Fertilization of Keitt Mango Transplants

Page 52-64
N.A.A. Hagagy; H.E El- Badawy; N.H. Nady; sadek ede Abdel-Aziz


Characterization of bioactive components and antioxidant activity of opuntia ficus indica peels

Page 65-75
Samar Khairy; Abdalla E. El-Hadary; Enas M. Mekawi


Population Dynamics of Pests Attacking Most Important Medicinal Plant, Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) Apiaceae, Along Two Seasons at Qalubiya and Menoufia Governorates, Egypt

Page 76-92
Wedyan Fathy Hassan; Rasha Ahmed Zinhoum; Yusuf Abdelaziz Edmardash; Hassan Bakry Hussain


Effect of Rhizobium spp. Activated by Colchicine on Morphology, Anatomical Features and DNA Content of Soybean Plant (Glycine Max)

Page 93-102
Ragab Ibrahim Elkholy; S.F. Desoukey


Local Community Participation in Social Innovation Initiatives for Enhancing the Quality of Life: A Case Study in Rural Egypt

Page 103-120
Yasmeen Hussein Eid; Mohamed Helmy Nawar; Azza El-Bendary


Egyptian Beekeepers’ Practices and Challenges

Page 121-134
Ahmed abdelhamed Mohamed Fahmy; medhat Ezzat; Hatem Sharaf El-Din


Bedouin Behavior Regarding the Production and Marketing of Figs Considering the Geographical Indication in Matrouh Governorate

Page 135-148
amal kamel siddique; Mohamed Helmy Nawar; salwa mahmoud Ismail; Hussien mohamed Tohamy


Analytical Study of The Seasonality of Fish Production From Natural Fisheries in Egypt

Page 149-160
Hala Mahmoud Ahmed Rashda


Economic Resources for the Production of the Navel Orange Crop in the New Lands in Sharkia Governorate

Page 161-172
Mahmoud Mahmoud; Eusama Mahmoud Ewada; Asmaa Mohamed Eltouky Bahloul; Muhammed Aboul Fotouh Al-Selsily


Economic Efficiency of Potato Production in the New Lands in Sharkia Governorate

Page 173-185
Mahmoud Mohamed; Eusama Mahmoud Ewada; Asmaa Mohamed Eltouky Bahloul; Muhammed Aboul Fotouh Al-Selsily