EKB Journal Management System
Volume & Issue: Volume 12, Issue 4, September 2008, Page 1-309  XML


Rearing studies on Oreochromis niloticus to evavaluate bacillus subtilis potential in growth performance and some physiological parameters

Page 1-11
Nagat Siliem


Nutritional and feeding management Studies on hybrid Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus x O. aureus)

Page 13-25
Ahmed El-Hammady; Raky Attalla; Elham Wassef; Mohammed Wafa


Studies on growth performance and body composition of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) as affected by dietary supplemented biogen®

Page 27-39
Nagat Siliem


Effect of replacement of fish meal protein with boiled full fat soybean seeds and dried algae on growth performance, nutrient utilization and some blood parameters of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

Page 41-61
Raky Attalla; Samia Mikhail


Economic Efficiency for Egyptian Marine Fishing Fleet Exploitation

Page 63-71
Naglaa Wally; Nabil Abdel-Hakeem; Ahmed Eldimiri


On survival growth and some physiological parameters of Oreochromis niloticus as afftected by dietary ascorbic acid supplementation

Page 73-83
Nagat Siliem


Changes in phytoplankton community structure at three touristic sites at western Alexandria Beach.

Page 85-118
Nihal Shams El Din; Ahmed Abel Halim


New recorded species of Magelonidae and Maldanidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from EL-Tina Bay, Mediterranean coast of Egypt.

Page 119-141
Faiza Abd-Elnaby


A protective effect of calcium carbonate against arsenic toxicity on the Nile catfish, larias gariepinus

Page 143-163
Nassr-Allah Abdel-Hameid


Redescription of the cestode Polyonchobothrium Clarias and its histopathological impact on the stomach of Clarias gariepinus

Page 165-174
Abdalla Ibrahim; Hoda Taha; Marwa El-Naggar


Can the freshwater crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) help control schistosomiasis and fascioliasis in Egypt?

Page 175-183
Setaita Sleem; Karem El-Hommossany2


Temperature, salinity and light duration dependence on the growth and cellular carbon and nitrogen contents of the epiphytic diatom,Achnanthes longipes Agardh

Page 185-202
Samia Mikhail; Wagdy Gergis


Effect of environmental factors and sex difference on physiological responses of the exotic red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, in Egypt.

Page 203-228
Omaima Mustafa; Hany Yousef; Samir Beltagi; Victoria Nicola


Dynamics of estuarine phytoplankton assemblages in Mex Bay,Alexandria (Egypt): Influence of salinity gradients

Page 231-251
Samia Mikhail


Gene Expression of GFP from jellyfish into fish.

Page 253-264
Omaima Khafagy; Hawanem Sallam; Inessa Zelenin; Alxander Zelenin


On the use of dry seaweeds and condensed phytoplankton as diets for the clam Venerupis aurea, Egypt

Page 265-273
Samya Mohammad; Gihan El-Shoubaky; Fedekar Madkour


Comparative study on the intestine of Schilbe mystus and Labeo niloticus in correlation with their feeding habits

Page 275-309
Fawzy Amer; Suzan Naguib; Fawzia Ashour Abd El-Ghafar Abd El-Rahman


دراسات علي تربيه أسماک البلطي النيلي لتقييم تأثير إضافه المنشط الحيوي باسيلس سبتلس علي أداء النمو وبعض المعاملات الفسيولوجيه

Page 1-17