EKB Journal Management System
Volume & Issue: Volume 57, Issue 4, December 2017, Page 385-503  XML


Distribution and mobility of vanadium in cultivated calcareous soils and some food chain crops

Page 385-392
Doaa Taha; Ahmed Abou-Shady; Sahar Ismaeil; Nabil Mohamed Bahnasawy


Effect of Deficit Irrigation During Growth Stages on Water Use Efficiency of Carrot Under El-Ismailia Conditions

Page 393-406
ali ahmed ali


Enhancing seed germination and seedlings development of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) by SiO2 nanoparticles

Page 407-415
Abdullah Alsaeedi; Hassan El-Ramady; Tarek Ali Alshaal; Mahdi Almohsen


Spatial and Temporal Changes of Land Productivity East of The Nile River (Damietta Branch), Egypt

Page 417-428
Ahmed Abuzaid


Assessment of transplanting date influence on processing tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) production using the Cropping System Model (CSM)-CROPGRO-Tomato simulation model A case study for northeastern Italy

Page 429-442
Maha Elsayed; Mahmoud Medany; Gerrit Hoogenboom; Michele Rinaldi; Stefano Bona; Paolo Sambo


On- Farm Soil Management Practices for Improving Soil Properties and Productivity of Rice and Wheat under Salt-Affected Soils at North Delta, Egypt

Page 445-453
Mahmoud Saied; Gamal M. Elsanat; Nasser Talha; Serry M. El Barbary


Impact of magnesium fertilization on yield and nutrients uptake by maize grown on two different soils

Page 455-466
Ramadan Awad El-Dissoky; Faten A. Al-Kamar; Rashad M. Derar


Effect of water regime and antitranspirants foliar on production and yield of cabbage in summer season

Page 467-476
Abd-Elmonem Yosef Ramadan; Mahmoud Mousa Omar


Response of wheat plants to irrigation with magnetized water under Egyptian soil conditions

Page 477-488
Shaimaa Hassan Abd-Elrahman; Osama Abd-Elsalam Shalaby


Development of Land Capability and Suitability Maps for Bahariya Oasis, Egypt

Page 489-503
A. A. Elnaggar