Interferometric Method to Determine the Birefringence for an Anisotropic Material
(2003). Interferometric Method to Determine the Birefringence for an Anisotropic Material. EKB Journal Management System, 26(2), 231-239. doi: 10.21608/ejs.2003.150161
. "Interferometric Method to Determine the Birefringence for an Anisotropic Material". EKB Journal Management System, 26, 2, 2003, 231-239. doi: 10.21608/ejs.2003.150161
(2003). 'Interferometric Method to Determine the Birefringence for an Anisotropic Material', EKB Journal Management System, 26(2), pp. 231-239. doi: 10.21608/ejs.2003.150161
Interferometric Method to Determine the Birefringence for an Anisotropic Material. EKB Journal Management System, 2003; 26(2): 231-239. doi: 10.21608/ejs.2003.150161