العلاقةبين ممارسات إدارة سلسلة التوريد والميزة التنافسية بالتطبيق على شرکة مصر للزيوت والصابون بمدينة المنصورة | ||||
المجلة المصرية للدراسات التجارية | ||||
Article 4, Volume 41, Issue 3, July 2017, Page 199-233 PDF (1.15 MB) | ||||
Document Type: المقالة الأصلية | ||||
DOI: 10.21608/alat.2017.207767 | ||||
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Authors | ||||
محمود عبد العزيز أحمد1; مارينا مجدي وديع1; أحمد مسعود أحمد2; نسمة محمد عيد1 | ||||
1جامعة المنصورة | ||||
2جامعة المصورة | ||||
Abstract | ||||
Abstract: This study examined the relationship between supply chain management practices and competitive advantage applied to Quality, Sales, Marketing and Warehousing Staff at Egypt Oil & Soap Company. To achieve the purpose of this study a survey contains 45 statement has been 2 designed and data collected from the employees working in the factory from 284 employees, then statistically analysed. The findings shows that there is a positive significant correlation between each of supplier partnership, customer relationship, level of information sharing and level of information quality and each of cost, quality, flexibility and delivery, also, it shows that there is a positive significant correlation between postponement and each of cost, quality, flexibility, but there is a negative significant correlation between postponement and delivery. Also, the findings shows that there is a positive significant effect of each of supplier partnership, customer relationship, level of information quality on cost, but there is no a significant effect of level of information sharing and postponement on cost, also, shows that there is a positive significant effect of each of supplier partnership, customer relationship and level of information quality on each of quality and flexibility, but there is no significant effect of each of level of information sharing and postponement on each of quality and flexibility. Also, shows that there is a positive significant effect of each of supplier partnership, customer relationship and postponement on delivery, but there is no significant effect of each of level of information sharing and level of information quality on delivery. | ||||
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