Micronutrients intake among a group of Egyptian children in different demographic areas of Egypt
Saleh, S., El-Sayed, H., Mostafa, A., El Gezery, H. (2023). Micronutrients intake among a group of Egyptian children in different demographic areas of Egypt. EKB Journal Management System, 61(1), 62-86. doi: 10.21608/bnni.2023.286847
Salwa M. Saleh; Hanaa H El-Sayed; Asmaa EM Mostafa; Hoda M El Gezery. "Micronutrients intake among a group of Egyptian children in different demographic areas of Egypt". EKB Journal Management System, 61, 1, 2023, 62-86. doi: 10.21608/bnni.2023.286847
Saleh, S., El-Sayed, H., Mostafa, A., El Gezery, H. (2023). 'Micronutrients intake among a group of Egyptian children in different demographic areas of Egypt', EKB Journal Management System, 61(1), pp. 62-86. doi: 10.21608/bnni.2023.286847
Saleh, S., El-Sayed, H., Mostafa, A., El Gezery, H. Micronutrients intake among a group of Egyptian children in different demographic areas of Egypt. EKB Journal Management System, 2023; 61(1): 62-86. doi: 10.21608/bnni.2023.286847