Evaluation of the Efficiency of SfM-Photogrammetry in Obtaining DEM from Google Earth Images
Elashiry, A., Al Khalil, O. (2023). Evaluation of the Efficiency of SfM-Photogrammetry in Obtaining DEM from Google Earth Images. EKB Journal Management System, 51(5), 302-317. doi: 10.21608/jesaun.2023.212726.1232
Ahmed A Elashiry; Omar Al Khalil. "Evaluation of the Efficiency of SfM-Photogrammetry in Obtaining DEM from Google Earth Images". EKB Journal Management System, 51, 5, 2023, 302-317. doi: 10.21608/jesaun.2023.212726.1232
Elashiry, A., Al Khalil, O. (2023). 'Evaluation of the Efficiency of SfM-Photogrammetry in Obtaining DEM from Google Earth Images', EKB Journal Management System, 51(5), pp. 302-317. doi: 10.21608/jesaun.2023.212726.1232
Elashiry, A., Al Khalil, O. Evaluation of the Efficiency of SfM-Photogrammetry in Obtaining DEM from Google Earth Images. EKB Journal Management System, 2023; 51(5): 302-317. doi: 10.21608/jesaun.2023.212726.1232