Some anatomical studies on the nerve supply of the tail of the buffalo ”Bos Bubalis L. ”
Adam, Z., Gad, M., Tawfiek, M. (2009). Some anatomical studies on the nerve supply of the tail of the buffalo ”Bos Bubalis L. ”. EKB Journal Management System, 19(1), 18-22. doi: 10.21608/jvmr.2009.77803
Z. A. Adam; M. R. A. Gad; M. G. Tawfiek. "Some anatomical studies on the nerve supply of the tail of the buffalo ”Bos Bubalis L. ”". EKB Journal Management System, 19, 1, 2009, 18-22. doi: 10.21608/jvmr.2009.77803
Adam, Z., Gad, M., Tawfiek, M. (2009). 'Some anatomical studies on the nerve supply of the tail of the buffalo ”Bos Bubalis L. ”', EKB Journal Management System, 19(1), pp. 18-22. doi: 10.21608/jvmr.2009.77803
Adam, Z., Gad, M., Tawfiek, M. Some anatomical studies on the nerve supply of the tail of the buffalo ”Bos Bubalis L. ”. EKB Journal Management System, 2009; 19(1): 18-22. doi: 10.21608/jvmr.2009.77803