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Volume & Issue: Volume 19, Issue 1, March 2009  XML


The impact of probiotic (Biovet®) on some clinical, hematological and biochemical parameters in buffalo-calves

Page 1-10
H. A. Bakr; E. M. Said; M. M. Abd El-Tawab; M. S. Hassan


Some anatomical studies on the arterial supply and venous drainage of the tail of the buffalo "Bos Bubalis L."

Page 11-17
M. R. A. Gad; Z. A. Adam; M. G. Tawfiek


Some anatomical studies on the nerve supply of the tail of the buffalo ”Bos Bubalis L. ”

Page 18-22
Z. A. Adam; M. R. A. Gad; M. G. Tawfiek


Detection of testosterone residues in farm fish tissue

Page 23-26
H. R. Abdel-Dayem; Hanaa M. Soltan; G. Naser


Field study on control of chronic respiratory disease in vertically infected broiler chicks

Page 27-33
M. M. Amer; K. M. El-Bayomi; Zenab, M. S. Gera; A. E. A. Hanafei


Studies on the cumulative effect of sodium thiomersal on broilers vaccinated with inactivated poultry vaccines

Page 34-38
Zeinab M. Sror; Anhar Abd El-Moety; Hanan, M. Ibrahim; M. L. Sayed, A. R. Mahmoud; A. R. Mahmoud; S. M. Shafei; M. H. Khodeir


Effect of dietary selenium and vitamin E supplementation on productive and reproductive performance in rams

Page 39-43
A. A. Baiomy; A. E. A. Mohamed; A. A. Mottelib


Studies on Edwardsiella tarda infection in catfish and Tilapia nilotica

Page 44-50
Heidy Abo El-Yazeed; Mai D. Ibrahem


Mineral status in blood serum of newborn calves in Assiut Governorate

Page 51-56
M. A. Mohammad


Clinicopathological studies on the antioxidant effect of barley on chicken affected by lead toxicities.

Page 7-12
Samia M. Mohamed