Studies on the cumulative effect of sodium thiomersal on broilers vaccinated with inactivated poultry vaccines
M. Sror, Z., Abd El-Moety, A., M. Ibrahim, H., Mahmoud, M., Mahmoud, A., Shafei, S., Khodeir, M. (2009). Studies on the cumulative effect of sodium thiomersal on broilers vaccinated with inactivated poultry vaccines. EKB Journal Management System, 19(1), 34-38. doi: 10.21608/jvmr.2009.77806
Zeinab M. Sror; Anhar Abd El-Moety; Hanan, M. Ibrahim; M. L. Sayed, A. R. Mahmoud; A. R. Mahmoud; S. M. Shafei; M. H. Khodeir. "Studies on the cumulative effect of sodium thiomersal on broilers vaccinated with inactivated poultry vaccines". EKB Journal Management System, 19, 1, 2009, 34-38. doi: 10.21608/jvmr.2009.77806
M. Sror, Z., Abd El-Moety, A., M. Ibrahim, H., Mahmoud, M., Mahmoud, A., Shafei, S., Khodeir, M. (2009). 'Studies on the cumulative effect of sodium thiomersal on broilers vaccinated with inactivated poultry vaccines', EKB Journal Management System, 19(1), pp. 34-38. doi: 10.21608/jvmr.2009.77806
M. Sror, Z., Abd El-Moety, A., M. Ibrahim, H., Mahmoud, M., Mahmoud, A., Shafei, S., Khodeir, M. Studies on the cumulative effect of sodium thiomersal on broilers vaccinated with inactivated poultry vaccines. EKB Journal Management System, 2009; 19(1): 34-38. doi: 10.21608/jvmr.2009.77806