EKB Journal Management System
Volume & Issue: Volume 62, Issue 3, June 2017  XML


Effect of Foliar spraying with Yeast Extract and Hydrogen Peroxide on Yield and Quality of Sweet Potato

Page 303-310
N. Abo EL-Fadl; Dina EL-Mesirry; Hebatulla Rady


Barley Productivity and Protein Content as Effected by fertilization Treatments under Calcareous Soil Conditions

Page 319-328
Heba Ali; Sh.I. Abbas; A. Badawy


The Madeira Phenacoccus madeirensis Green (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) a New Record of Mealybug in Egypt

Page 329-329
Suzan Badr; Fatma Moharum


Effect of Organic and Bio-Fertilization on the Growth and Chemical Composition on Umbrella Papyrus (Cyperus alternifolius, L.) Plants

Page 237-247
M. R. A. Hassan; A. H. M. El-Naggar; A.M. Fadl


Water-Stress in Relation to Maize (Zea mays L.) Grain Yield, Plant Height and Proline Content

Page 311-317
M.A. Gomaa; I.F. Rehab; F. A. Salama; A.S.M. AL-Deeb


Biochemical Markers and Genetic Improvement in some Tomato Genotypes under Drought Stress Conditions

Page 249-257
Sherin Naiem; Zeinab El-Saka; S. M. Abou-Shleel; Kh. M. Ghanem


The Impact of Climate Change on Seasonal Abundance of The Pyriform Scale, Protopulvinaria Pyriformis (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) and Its Predatorsin Alexandria, Egypt

Page 283-289
Fatma Moharum; Sanaa Abd El-Mageed


Using Morphological Charachters and ISJ Markers for Assessment of Genetic Diversity among Some Rice Genotypes

Page 273-282
M.M. Abd El-Maksoud; A.H. Abd El-Hadi; A.B. El-Abd; Sara El-leithy


Evaluation of Six Plant Essential Oils against Three Stored Product Insects and Their Effects on the Haemogram under Laboratory Conditions

Page 291-301
M.E. Tawfeek; Amany Abu-Shall,; Abir Gad; M. Mohey


Performance and Stability of Some Durum Wheat Genotypes under Different Sowing Dates and Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels

Page 259-271
A.G. Abd El-Rady; Y.S.I. Koubisy