EKB Journal Management System
Volume & Issue: Volume 54, Issue 1, March 2016, Page 1-290  XML


Growth, yield and yield components of wheat as affected by crop sequences, seeding rates and nitrogen fertilizer levels

Page 1-14
Amira A. El-Mehy


Selection of some faba bean segregation genotypes in contrasting environments

Page 15-24
Ehab H. El-Harty


Sugar beet yield and quality as affected by concentration of boron and methanol application.

Page 25-34
H. E.A Nemeata Alla


Thermoregulatory responses of Baladi and crossbred goat does under subtropical conditions.

Page 35-46
H. M. El-zaher


Alleviation of thermoregulatory responses of Baladi Does by chromium and Selenium-E supplementation in subtropical areas.

Page 47-56
S. Y. Eid


Virulence of Lasiodiplodia theobromae the causal of grapevine die-back disease in Egypt

Page 57-62
G. M. El-Habbaa


Potential acting of a novice Achromobacter xylosoxidans strain as a plant growth-promoting factor

Page 63-76
A. A. Salem


Isolation and identification of yeasts along wastewater treatment lines at Zagazig plant

Page 77-84
Sherefa Z. Hamed


The effects of azadirachtin and emamectin benzoate insecticides as organic pollutants on experimental rats

Page 85-94
M. Z.M Ali


Quality Characteristics of Common Carp Fish Pastirma

Page 95-104
M.M Mahmoud


Effect of organic fertilizer and foliar spray with some safety compounds on growth and productivity of snap bean

Page 105-118
F. A. Abo-Sedera


Efficacy of some plant oils against two stored product insects

Page 119-128
Mohamed M. Azab


Ecological Studies on Aphid Species Infesting Main cereal Crops

Page 129-138
S. A. Amer


Effect of selected planting dates on root- knot nematodes population and productivity of sugarbeet variety, Pleno

Page 139-146
tamer fathy Younis


الميزة النسبية والتنافسية للطماطم المصرية

Page 147-158
Abd elnaby A. EL sayed


دراسة الاستقرار الاقتصادى للصادرات المصرية من البطاطس إلى دول الإتحاد الأوربى

Page 159-170


السلوک التنفيذى للمراة الريفية فى مجال مکافحة الفئران ببعض قرى محافظة الشرقية

Page 171-184
Aml Mohamed Mahmood Gomaa


Economic analysis of the factors that affect food Consumption Patterns in Egypt

Page 185-200
Hanan M. Mahrous


Differences between the views of researchers in the determinants of transportation of agricultural innovations in Qaliubiya

Page 201-210


The implementation of the recommendations of the Technical farmers to produce citrus crop Qaliubiya province

Page 211-226
Mahmoud Said Mahmoud Omran


A study for level of Rural Woman Knowledge for maintaining the environment from pollution at Qulyoubia Governorate

Page 227-240
Rabab Said Abd-Elkader Mohammed


Variations between the views of employees extension in occupational determinants the performance quality for their extension tasks Qalubiya Governorate

Page 241-248
R. T.T Tahawy


Economic efficiency finance in the development of small enterprises in Yemen

Page 249-260
Saeed Abdo Saeed Al-Ragehy


Rural Women Implementation of the Recommended Practices to Improve Home Poultry Raising in Perma Village in Gharbia Governorate

Page 261-282
Soheir Esmail Mohammedy Bendary


Effect of mineral fertilization (NP) on some growth characters of long staple cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.)

Page 283-290
Mohamed S. Alkhashah Roiss; Khaled M. O. Dowlat