EKB Journal Management System
Volume & Issue: Volume 21, Issue 3 - Serial Number 80, September 2016  XML


Response of Some Faba Bean to Fertilizers Manufactured by Nanotechnology

Page 384-399
Mahmoud Gomaa; Essam Esmail kandil; Abuo Zeid AbdElMohsen Abuo Zeid; Bilkess Salim


Response of Some Faba Bean Cultivars to Planting Dates Under Nubaria Region Conditions

Page 414-423
Mahmoud Gomaa; Essam Esmail Kandil; Abuo Zeid AbdElMohsen Abuo Zeid; Eman Marie


Effect of Some Fertilization Treatments on Vegetative Growth, Oil Production and Chemical Composition of Sage Plant

Page 400-414
ElSaid El-Mahrouk; Fathy Ibrahim Radwan; Ali Ibrahim Abido; Ahlam Hammam


The Chemical Analysis of Brazilian Pepper, Clover and Citrus Honeys Produced by The Honey Bee Workers, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

Page 424-434
Osman Zaghloul; Nagda El-Sayed; Nadia Hassona; Mohamed Moursi; Maher Mohamed Abou-Lila


Release Kinetics of Silicon in Some Egyptian Soils

Page 434-445
Hanan Ismail; Maher Nasseim Goergie; Magda AbouElMagd Hussein


The Usage of Specific Markers for Some Major Traits in Egyptian Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Their Wild Relatives

Page 472-483
Meluod Eahmed El-Saghir; Ahmed Khaled; Nader Abdelsalam


Effect of Potassium Sources and Rates in Relation to Nitrogen Fertilization on Barley Yield and Some Nutrient Elements Content Under Salt-affected Soil Conditions

Page 446-459
Salem Ghwaji; Magda AdouElMagd Hussein; Mahmoud Gomaa


Effect of nitrogen and sulphur on growth, yield and chemical composition of maize grown under saline soil conditions

Page 460-471
Meky Mohamed Saleh; Magda AbouElMagd Hussein; Hoda AbdElfattah Mahmoud


Toxicity of A-cypermethrin, Emamectin Benzoate and Imidacloprid on AChE and Antioxidant Enzymes in The Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)

Page 484-495
Hesham Zaki Ibrahim; Abd-Allah Hamed; Mona Abdou; Reda Abdel-Razik; Nadia Hamed


Effect of sulphur and silicon application on the yield and chemical composition of maize grown under saline soil conditions

Page 496-509
AbdElMotelb Khalifa; Magda AbouElMagd Hussein; Mahmoud Gomaa


Effects of Some Natural Extracts and Their Application Methods on The Growth of Pentas lanceolata L. plants.

Page 510-521
Naglaa Mostafa; Magd el Din Rida


Aspects of pollution, its causes and its impact on the rural environment in Beheira Governorate مظاهر التلوث وأسبابه وأثره على البيئة الريفية بمحافظة البحيرة

Page 32-51
Hanan Zahran; Mohamed El-Hossany; Abd El-Kariem Elsayed


متطلبات العمل الإرشادي في مجال إستخدام النانوتکنولوجي لرفع کفاءة وإنتاجية الأراضي الزراعية المستصلحة والطينية من وجهة نظر الکوادر البحثية بمعهدي بحوث الإرشاد الزراعي وبحوث الأراضي والمياه محافظة الأسکندرية The Requirements of the Extension Work in the use of Nano Technology to improve the efficiency and Productivity of

Page 52-67
Gamal Hesien Amer; Nagwa Fouad Khattab