EKB Journal Management System
Volume & Issue: Volume 14, Issue 1, June 2023  XML


Effect of Ultraviolet C on Morphological Structure, Phenolic and Anthocyanin of Turnip Red Seeds

Page 1-8
Samar Hamdeen Abdalla; Hamed El-Shora; Abu Bakr El-Bediwi


Impact of Ultraviolet C on Silymarin Content and Structure of Milk Thistle Medical Seeds

Page 9-18
Hadeer Eltokhy; Hamed El-Shora; Abu Bakr El-Bediwi


Assessment of Antimicrobial Activity and Antioxidant Properties of Three Brown Seaweeds, Sargassum polycystum, Turbinaria triquitra and Cystoseria myrica

Page 19-28
Soha Mohammed


Survey on Wound Healing Plants Traditionally Used by The Bambenga Pygmy Indigenous Peoples of Dongo Sector (South Ubangi Province) In the Democratic Republic of The Congo

Page 29-42
Michel Mongeke Mobale; Koto-Te-Nyiwa Jean-Paul Ngbolua; Antoine Mumba Djamba; Elodie Mubikayi Jeannine; Monizi Mawunu; Colette Masengo Ashande; Pius T. Mpiana


Response of Sugar Beet Growth to Soil Application of Humic Acid and Foliar Application of Some Biostimulators under Saline Soil Conditions

Page 43-54
Mohamed A.A. Nassar; Samia S.E. El-Magharby; Nada S. M. Ibrahim; Essam E. Kandil


The Efficiency of The Foliar Application Using Silica and Silver Nanoparticles on Duranta erecta under Salinity Conditions

Page 55-68
El-Mahrouk, E. M.; M. A. Aly; R. M. O. Zabat; M. K. Gaber


Isolation, Purification and Characterization of Antifungal Chitinase from Phaseolus vulgaris var. paulista

Page 69-79
Waleed W. Nazeer; Menazea D. T.; Abd El-Baki G. K.


Vegetative Propagation of Hallea stipulosa (DC.) J.-F.Leroy (Rubiaceae) in The Bioclimatic Conditions of Gemena in South Ubangi, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Page 81-90
Darly N. Mboka; Nathan F. N. U. Nyongombe; Nicodème K. Ndomba; Bienvenu S. Yange; Jean-Bernard Z. Bosanza; Monizi Mawunu; Colette Masengo Ashande; Narcisse B. Basosila; Koto-Te-Nyiwa Ngbolua


Influence of Different Plant Growth Regulators on Micropropagation of Egyptian Native Cultivar of Taro (Colocasia Esculenta Var. Esculenta)

Page 91-103
Ajba Saleh ElDajin; Aly M. Mahmoud; Ali A. Gabal; Omaima S. Darwish


Productivity of Some Faba Bean (Vica faba L.) Cultivars Under Different Planting Times

Page 105-111
Gomaa, M. A.; Rehab Y. G. Ghareeb; Hany S.A. Abd El- Latif; Essam E. Kandil