EKB Journal Management System
Volume & Issue: Volume 215, Issue 2, July 2015, Page 1-602  XML


The effect of Electronic Games on Some Physical, Psychological, and Cognitive Aspects For Preschool Children

Page 1-28
Ibrahim Abdelrazek Ahmed Selim


Relation of the administrative leadership with administrative creativity level of the employees in youth and sports directorate, Elmsila state, Algiers

Page 29-45
boukhors ramdane


A proposed vision for selecting the educational leadership in the youth centers in the light of the leading models and creativity in Assuit governorate

Page 46-65
Abdullah Farghaly Ahmed Khamees


The effect of using interactive video on digital and technical performance level in the triple jump competition

Page 66-80
Sally Abdel Tawab Mahmoud Elbahwashy


Effects of suggested specific exercise program on pain and active range of motion in patients with nonspecific low back pain

Page 81-94
Islam Amin Zaki Abdel-Wakel


Time management and its relation with the accumulative degree of the female students in the programs of (education- training- management)

Page 95-118
Abeer Abdel Rahman Mohamed Shweyta


The effect of a program by using the intensive and distributed manners on the motor memory and improve some skill in the fencing sport

Page 119-139
Aisha Mahmud Elfateh


The innovative proportional norm to evaluate the students in Practical tests in the department of Athletics

Page 140-150
Ahmed abdelwahab Mohamed khafagy


The impact of the use of mastery learning on the level of learning some basic skills in volleyball

Page 151-158
Mohamed Salama Younes


The Impact of a Proposed Educational Program According to the Circadian Biorhythm Pattern for the Treatment of Learning Disabilities on the Performance of Reception Skill in Volleyball

Page 159-176
Naglaa Abdel Moneim El Barbary


The Effectiveness of Electronically Personalized System of Instruction by Using Hypermedia in Learning the Skill of Overhand Passing in Volleyball

Page 177-196
Naglaa Abdel Moneim El Barbary


Use of the Learning Cycle model in Teaching some field and track competitions And its effect on the achievement Level And retention of learning effect of the preparatory phase students

Page 197-215
Mohamed Abdelkader Al-Sharkawy


The effectiveness of yoga exercises, on the level of kinetic balance, and the functional fitness for Elderly

Page 216-238
Mohamed Mohamed Abdel Salam


The strategies of managing the human resources and their relation to the organizational trust of the sports trainers who work at the Egyptian sports clubs (an analytical study)

Page 239-262
Deina Hanfy Abdel Aziz


The impact of intakes the compound whey protein on some biological variables, and the muscular strength for short-distances swimmers

Page 263-286
Abeer Gamal Shehata


The Effect of Using Hypermedia-Supported Individualized Education on the Level of Technical and Quantitative Performance in High Jump Event

Page 287-306
Shaimaa Mustafa Abdullah Ali


The Efficiency of Using Multi-Forms Motor Tasks Style in Learning Javelin Throwing Skills for the Students of the Faculty of Physical Education at Zagazig University

Page 307-328
Nashwa Ahmed El-Sayed Kamel


The Effect of Using Specific Strength Trainings-Based Educational Therapy Style on the Treatment of Learning Girls in Front Crawl

Page 329-347
Riham Ahmed Fadel Abdul-Aziz


Effect of Using Fartlek Techniques to Control the Rhythm of Running for 1500 m Runners

Page 348-361
Hassan Ibrahim Abd El-Hamid Abou El-Magd


The effect of improving some visual abilities on the level performance of Fireman carry for wrestlers

Page 362-382
Amgad Zakaria Ahmed Abdel El-all; Emad Sabry Saleep Saad


The relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenaship behavior practice with the sports specialiat in Alexandria university youth wellfare administrations

Page 383-405
Rehab Aly Amin; Reham Amin Hamzah


The effect of Team Coherence and Its Relationship with the Psychological and social Atmosphere for the Team – Sport Players

Page 406-423
Mohamed Mohamed El said El shahat


Comparative Study On Psychological Burnout Among Northern Region Referees

Page 424-433
Ahmed Saher Hassanen Mohamed


The Effect of Using Mastery Learning Strategy on the Level of Technical and Quantitative Performance of Long jumping skill for Beginners

Page 434-453
Nashwa Ahmed El-Sayed Kamel


The Effectiveness of Using Educational Technology-Supported Micro Teaching in the Cognitive and Motor Learning of Shot Putting Skills for Beginners

Page 454-471
Shaimaa Mustafa Abdullah Ali


Study the impact of learning of all types of passing skill on the skill of the near and long shooting in football

Page 472-505
Ahmed Saher Hassanin Mohammed


Some biomechanical characteristics for sprint stride and its relation to foot placement on the curve and straight for 100 and 200 m sprinters

Page 506-523
Mohammed Suleiman Salam Salem


The impact of collective exercise program (Free - Tools) on the Level of Behavioral Disorders and Some Elements of Physical Fitness among some Pupils of Mental Disabilities who are able to Learn

Page 524-536
Naglaa Fathi Mahdi


Biomechanical study for stride length of pull-resisted and un-resisted run of acceleration phase for youth 100m sprinters

Page 537-554
Mohammed Suleiman Salam Salem


The kinematics Analysis of Running on Multi-Inclination (comparative study)

Page 555-571
Hani Abdol Aziz Saleh


A Comparative study biomechanical differences between Egyptian and international race walkers 20 km men

Page 572-580
Atef Sayed Ahmed


The effect of using harmony and building teching on same physical shill and psychological variables and prep, stageat P.E class

Page 581-588
Sawsan Hosny Mahmoud


Improving the muscular imbalance of penalty corner players of hockey

Page 589-602
Mohammed Talaat Abu Elmaatei; Ahmed Amin Ahmed Elshafei