EKB Journal Management System
Volume & Issue: Volume 7, Issue 3, July 2020, Page 1-420  XML


Teaching data science in the departments and schools of library and information in American universities: an analytical study

Page 13-41
Dr Moshera Ahmed Saleh


The Effectiveness of Using Google Classroom to Develop the Academic Achievement of MARC 21 unit in the mechanism Catalogs course For Third Year Students in the Department of Libraries, Documentation and Information at the Faculty of Arts, Tanta University: An Experimental Study

Page 42-87
Dr.Heba Fathy Donia


Methods and Techniques for Designing Mobile Websites An evaluation study of Egyptian Libraries Websites Designs

Page 89-163
Dr. Ahmed Elmasry


The Egyptian Knowledge Bank and its role in supporting and developing general secondary education: A field study to survey the opinions of teachers

Page 150-179
Dr. Asmaa Hussein


Smart Phone Applications and Information Privacy: A comparative analytical Study

Page 180-225
Dr. Hossam Eldin Mohamed Refaat Abouserie


Web ranking of archives an assessment study on the Arab national archives Websites in light of the Webometrics

Page 226-253
Dr. Abdelrahman Farrag


The societal role of the national library in developing citizens' political awareness: Survey study

Page 254-281
Dr. Heba Ibrahim Mari


Electronic Presence of the Arabic National Libraries: Webometrics study

Page 285-304
Dr. Mohamed Ragab Wahdan


The Impact of Innovation on the Knowledge Based Economy: A Scientific Review

Page 308-331
mohamed amin merghlany; layla Abed alyoby


The Evolution of Library and Information Science Interrelationships: A Scientific Review

Page 332-350
Sara ahmed saled


Digital investigators for solving digital dilemmas in the internet world.

Page 351-356
reham mahmoud abd allah


The academic linkage of the information and library departments in Arab universities and its impact on developing their curricula and academic decisions .

Page 378-381
Sainaa Shamal Musahb


Search Engines Specialized in Islamic Religious Sciences: An Empirical Comparative Study

Page 382-388
Farrag Ahmed Farrag


The availability of the characteristics of knowledge workers in the Egyptian governmental and private university libraries

Page 370-377
nourhan ibraheem helmy


افتتاحية العدد : المنهج العلمى ... والاسلوب العلمى فى مجال المکتبات والمعلومات

Page 10-11
Hasnaa Mahgoub